Okay, I went from 142lbs.to 144lbs., I talked to my doctor about me possibly going into labor early, made his eyes big as saucers when I told him Cory came at 37wks and I am 34 now. So we discussed that for a bit, talked about pain management for me, which he suggested my best route would be a light Epidural, then talked about my previous Episotomy, he is super conservative and said let's take that as it happens, he prefers not to do one, which is GOOD. We talked briefly on my bladder disorder and delivery. Everything checked out fine with my blood pressure, temp., weight and baby's heartbeat. It took him a minute to find the baby's heartbeat, as he was on the wrong side of my tummy or she was on the side he wasn't checking, ha ha ha ha. I go back in two weeks on 03/10/09, by then I will be 36wks.
SOooooooooo, all went well, moving right along, instructed to stay off my feet as they look like sausages ready to explode now.
Here is the latest photos of me at 34 wks. Not much change really from the 32 wk photos but I am going to take them now every 2 wks along with the appt. checks with us not sure when I will go into labor by gestation weeks.
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