I am not sure HOW to stay on my left side when I do a lot of tossing and turning in the middle of the night, so that I can keep the baby off that vessel/vein that causes legs, feet, hands, etc. to swell.
This morning I woke up laying on my Right side and when I crawled out of bed, I realized I must have been on that side of my body for awhile as my feet were swollen, the right foot the worst, even stinging a bit where my toes intersect with my foot when I would walk and it would bend, and my hands were swollen and my veins on my right side were puffy and standing out in my arm and leg.
The swelling hasn't gone down much, just enough for me to get my rings off, thank goodness, guess those are staying off permanently now that swelling is really starting with me.
It doesn't seem to matter whether I am off my feet on moving to keep blood flow. I have been told you get to a certain point in your pregnancy where no matter what
you do nothing makes the swelling go away, I think I am on getting on that road at 33 wks. My Doctor said swelling is normal when I brought it up at my last appointment.
I am a tiny person, only 5'3 and normally weighing in at 125lbs. but now I am up there at 143lbs. and climbing to a due date of Apr. 6th, altho I do suspect I will be having baby in March, I had my last son 3 wks early, and talked to the Lamaze nurse and she did say to possible expect and early delivery and short labor like my last pregnancy.
I have attached a photo of my legs taken yesterday which gives an example of what I am starting to regularly deal with.
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