Hey all, we had a SUPER SUPER BUSY day yesterday. . . .
Our morning consisted of getting up and getting the morning rushed to tend to the dogs and their needs before heading out to my doctor’s appt. My appt. was at 11am and took up most of the afternoon. We went in, I got lucky for once, I got to go to the OBGYN and not have to undress, ha ha ha ha, us women sure love those kind of OBGYN appts. I had my discussions with both attending nurse and my doctor concerning the fact I was not going to do the Amnio test. After the discussions, we headed over the ultrasound room and had to do a lengthy wait in the waiting room due to other expecting mother’s enjoying the room before us.
During the ultrasound both me and Sean were very anxious as this ultrasound was to cover all the detailed checking of the baby with measurements, etc. Everything looked GOOD with the baby in head, stomach, femur measurements and placenta. Then came time to ask the doc if he could tell the sex. Boy was that a chore to discover, the little one would NOT BE STILL and the doc had the hardest time in getting a good fix on the baby to get an accurate reading, it was taking so long we thought he was going to eventually give up but the doctor must have liked a challenge and stuck with it and was able to get in a few brief shots of the rump area, giving us this comment, “Well I just don’t see a scrotum, so it is a GIRL by default, which of course made us all laugh hard and excited Sean greatly as he wanted a baby girl and to also win many bets that were out there. HOWEVER, the baby is still super small and I am still early in gestation weeks at 17 wks so no one go out and starting knitting pink yet as we are all still holding off for my third trimester ultrasound to confirm the doc’s finding that it truly is a baby girl. BUTTTT for now, we ARE excited to say we are having a baby girl. I have added the photos of the ultrasound on my baby blog page, that were given to me. Unfortunately we did not get any side profiles or facial shots of the baby, BUMMER, as we and Baby Smith caused the doctor to fixate on that rump area to do some sex determining, ha ha ha ha.
After the Doctor's appt. we head over to the Lab and I had to do blood lab work for a scheduled test the OBGYN wanted - TAST-MS. Not sure what this test consists of but I will be on the internet trying to find out.
So that is our latest baby girl update . . . we were super excited to hear all was going well with me and the baby and to get an idea of the sex. I am very tired today after such a long exciting day and will probably be doing a lot of resting today, he he he he.
Tammy & Sean
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