Sean & Tammy Smith
We are the proud Parents of little Miss Autumn Marie Smith and look forward to everyone joining us on this journey of information and photos from the beginning of the pregnancy to the birth and enjoying our baby with us.
Autumn has finally cut her last upper molar in the series of the first sets of molars in her mouth. FINALLY, she officially has a molar now upper and lower to chew with. Now moving onto MORE erupting teeth, arrghhh . . .
Autumn Marie Smith arrived Mon. March 24, 2009 7lbs. 0 oz. 19 1/4 inches long Born at 5:02am
On this Blog you will find Information about Tammy & Sean's Pregnancy if you go all the way back in the older posts, Updates on Baby Autumn Smith are posted on a regular basis and stories about Autumn and her Milestone's and journey in life.