Autumn had her one year check up today, she weighed in at 16lbs & 7 oz. She had gained two ounces from her last visit, OMG this girl is never going to grow. Anyhow she was 28 inches tall. Doc say she is healthy and looking awesome and that he predicts yet again for her to be 5’1 or 5’2 weighing in at 100 lbs. at maturity. That was me . . .she is just going to be teeny tiny for a long long time, arrghhhh . . . .
Daddy stayed with her during her shots, she got her MMR, Chicken Pox vaccines and TB test done on her arm. She wasn’t a happy camper at all. Thank goodness for children’s Tylenol and Neosporin for the injection site on the legs.
After her appt. we took her to I-hop to eat some breakfast and to the park to move her legs and take her mind off her shots she had.
Then came an appt. for Mommy for my eyes, so she had to hang out for that, then we headed home and Autumn and Mommy passed out, I couldn’t see a thing from my eyes being dilated, and we slept good for 2 hrs. and both of us woke up better girls.
We have to go back on Thurs. for them to read her TB test on her arm . . .