Autumn is finally doing really well with her tummy time and pushing up on her elbows real well, snagged a couple of good shots of her today during tummy time.
07-30-09 - Autumn Tummy Time
Autumn is finally doing really well with her tummy time and pushing up on her elbows real well, snagged a couple of good shots of her today during tummy time.
Autumn hates to have her face wiped off Video
Autumn hates to have her face wiped off so grabbed it on video, her facial expressions are so funny.
07-28-09 Autumn 4 mo. Doctor Checkup
Autumn had her 4 mos. check up and vaccines today. If I can remember this correctly, she is 11 lbs. 6 oz. and is 23 ¼ inches long. Doctor says she is taking after her mother in being petitie, he he he. I was tiny too as I pulled out my weight and height records my mom kept on me as an infant and I weighed the same thing as she did as the same age. Doc even asked me for a copy of my infant chart, he he he he . . . Doc said she is in the 10th percentile of weight and 25th percentile in height. He said when she turns two they can almost tell me how tall she will get, WOW, interesting. He checked her over well and said she looks great and is doing great. She didn’t like it when he checked out her ears and got in her face to look in her ears, she does not like strangers in the face right now going through that stranger fears, he he he, so she vocally screamed at him and she didn’t like it when she got her vaccines of course. I of course was NOT present in the room for that part, Daddy has to do the bad stuff, I just cannot stand watching them hurt her. I go out to the lobby and my mother ears still work and I can still hear my child’s distinctive cry when she gets her shots and I stand in the lobby with my heart racing waiting for her to appear out of the room so I can take her and soothe her, drives me insane, arrrgghh. Doc says she will come back when she is 6 mos. old for one more set of vaccines and then we take a long 6 month break, yeahhhhhhhhhhh, you know that makes me happy.
We took her to Target and got her a toy for her doctor’s visit, ha ha ha ha!!!!
We took her to Target and got her a toy for her doctor’s visit, ha ha ha ha!!!!
07-20-09 Autumn's Dog Show Weekend

Autumn had a great dog show weekend for her first dog show's schedule. We were up each morning at 5am, so that was a bit tuff on all three of us. She stayed awake for the dog show while we were there, able to visit with folks and she was GREAT, no fussing at all, until Sunday where she got a bit fussy which was expected due to the early morning risings. She got some wonderful gifts as well from family and close friends. My Aunt Jimmie Dale gave her a pair of shoes, a dress and burp cloth with her name on it, her Mama gave her two noisy toys and a close friend of our Marie gave her a diaper bag with her name on it. I have posted the two items that have her name on them, they are so cute.
07-16-09 Autumn's 1st Dog Show Experience
Just got back from the dog show, Sean worked from home this morning and got done in time for us to go do a trial run for Autumn, yeahhh . . . was fun seeing everyone and showing off our little munchkin. Autumn was perfect, hope she is not saving up her fussing for Sat., ha ha ha ha. She was a little sponge she just stared and absorbed everything and even let folks hold her, it was great.
One of the Dane friends came up to see Autumn and had us rolling in laughter as he started to access her like a dog, he holds her head and says “now let’s see, planes look good, she is a bit light in eye, bite looks good, ha ha ha ha, was so darn funny.
We go back on Saturday, so I will keep posting as the weekend approaches
One of the Dane friends came up to see Autumn and had us rolling in laughter as he started to access her like a dog, he holds her head and says “now let’s see, planes look good, she is a bit light in eye, bite looks good, ha ha ha ha, was so darn funny.
We go back on Saturday, so I will keep posting as the weekend approaches
July 2009 Autumn Discovers her hands
Autumn has discovered her hands, she holds her hands together and is CONSTANTLY putting them in her mouth. We are always pulling them out of her mouth, he he he. She will even try to insert her finger in her mouth while she is nursing, arrgghhh . . .she is mouthing everything and even starting to bite with pressure.
07-15-09 Autumn's Fears
Well we have discovered since the July 4th reunion that Autumn is going through a stage of fear and stranger fear. I read all up on it yesterday due to her exhibiting signs of fear for loud noises, familiar toys, and our horse and dog barks, etc. She just happens to be at that age when she is discovering there is a great big scary world around her now that she can see and hear very well and has become a separate little person. According to the articles this can last until she is 6 mos. and then may return when she is two years old, so we will have to see how long this scary phase lasts for her as she turns 4 mos. on the 24th of this month.
Autumn's 2009 July 4th Experience
Hey, well had to tell all about our reunion experience. You know me I love to tell a story and boy is this one a doozy for us.
Saturday July 4th we drove 2 hours to Ramyor, TX to the family reunion. Right before we pulled up I decided to feed Autumn so she would be nice and non-hungry cranky. She had not slept much on the trip there, just a doze here and there, so I assumed she would not stay awake long to visit.
After we existed the vehicle my brother and his family was outside so our visit started there, they had not yet seen Autumn in person. My brother immediately took her and she did real well, puckered her lower lip a bit but endured the visit with him. After that we made our way quickly into the house because it was so hot outside. The house was of course loaded with all the folks and was loud in noise but she is used to loud noises for the most part. Before I could get out of the hallway where the kitchen and hall intersect the family was on us like flies to see Autumn, he he he he. Unfortunately, due to our rural living and us choosing NOT to associate with our neighbors for various reasons, Autumn has not had a lot of folks all in her face per say, we really have had no visitors come see her, she has been out and about in stores, Walmart, mall, etc. just not had folks surround her and be all in her face or handle her. Well this showed up drastically in her reaction. Autumn got overwhelmed when about 5 folks got into her face at one time and she began to cry and that turned into a full blown screaming frenzy. The screaming lasted so long I began to stress badly. Everyone felt so bad for scaring her and was trying to help me by offering to take her to help calm her down but all that did was make it worse for Autumn and stress me out more in my efforts to calm her down. I went back outside to get away from everyone and her screaming in everyone’s ear range, to let her calm down, I FINALLY got her calm down and we tried again to enter the house. As I re-entered the house, everyone stayed backed off of her and me and I made the comment to just let me mingle around the room and to not approach her until she adjusted but everyone had already knew that, except, well a new comer into the reunion did not know what had happened before and approached her and the screaming frenzy was on again. I was so embarrassed, stressed and just at a loss for words to make it easier on Autumn.
By this time it was too hot to go back outside again and I was stressed out royally to where when Mom tried to approach me I was just mouthing to leave us alone until I could fix this situation, sorry Mom, Autumn’s mommy stressed OUT. So I went into the room where my dad was resting and sat in a corner on the floor and broke down crying with Autumn, I had to release some stress myself. Finally getting her to nurse and calm down, and me too, we slowly started over again for the third time. This time we just stood in the room with the door open and watched everyone from the door way. Then after awhile we bee lined it to the living room and watched everyone eat, that helped a bit as it was a bit more quiet with everyone stuffing their faces. By the time everyone finished eating Autumn had passed out in the chair I was rocking her in, from exhaustion. I took a breath of relief, put her down to sleep and barely could eat after that I was so stressed out and worn out myself. Poor thing slept hard for about an hour.
Okay, she wakes up, and now we are wondering will this be round 2 or will she be okay with sleep under her belt now. So this time we all moved slowly, everyone was leery of upsetting her, ha ha ha ha. I had already made up my mind if she went into another screaming frenzy I was leaving the reunion and going home, I just could NOT handle it again. Well to our luck, she woke up I think and realized all those noisy folks did not disappear and meant her no harm and mom was there when she woke up. So we took it slow, mingled again, a few folks spoke to her, she gave off her wonderful smiles and then she was able to start enjoying herself and everyone around her enjoyed her. I of course never relaxed because I was worrying the whole time who will set her off again, so basically I walked on pins and needles after she woke up. She did better the second half then I did, geezzz
When we got home, all of us were so exhausted, we all passed out early and slept so hard. I wish my uncle did not live such a long drive from us or I would be going back today since a lot of the family is still there today including my mom. I talked to my mom this morning and she said I was the same way as a little baby and that Autumn would be okay.
Sooo, that was my July 4th day and here are a few shots we got off, of course, after she calmed down and adjusted.
07-02-09 Autumn's Tummy Time
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