About US

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Sean & Tammy Smith We are the proud Parents of little Miss Autumn Marie Smith and look forward to everyone joining us on this journey of information and photos from the beginning of the pregnancy to the birth and enjoying our baby with us.


01-28-09 - Finished Nursery Wooden Name Letters

These took me two days to Paint. We still need to put the ribbons on for hanging in the Nursery. Here is the finished Painted Letters. Will take more photos after we get them hung in the Nursery.


01-26-09 Our Baby Memory Book

Here is the baby Memory Book we purchased by C. R. Gibson called Animal Parade (Loose Leaf Memory Book), we can't wait to start filling this book out.

01-26-09 Baby Shower items I have been working on . . .

01-26-09 Baby Shower items I have been working on . . .

Well today I have been sort of busy of course, in between resting, picking up the house from the weekend and getting some baby stuff done. Soaking toys & racks in bleach and water. Washing baby laundry that needed to be done from free stuff I got and stuff we purchased.

Also worked on my shower stuff. Got the Shower Advice cards finished now finally. Attached is a photo.

Almost have the Shower Diaper Cake done, still need to add the green fake grass on the top of the main tier.The Center Cake I made is two tier and then it is surrounded by four little cakes. I love doing these craft things and the cakes are fun.

I think they both turned out so cute . . . I can’t wait for folks attending to see it all in person along with whatever other decorations that they are doing in the Jungle Green themes.

01-22-09 More Belly (In The Womb) News

01-22-09 More Belly News

Today Daddy-to-Be was able to actually feel outlines of our little babies limbs through the skin on my belly, which of course is stretched so tight right now, ha ha ha ha. The little one likes to push against one side of my belly, which is painful or ball up in one area and you are able to feel easy outlines of limbs, bones. So this was a cool moment for Daddy to feel his baby in the womb up close and personal.

01-16-09 - Tammy & Sean are taking a break from dog showing for a bit

Tammy & Sean are taking a break from dog showing for a bit . . . .

I have mentioned our temporary break, to a few folks I saw in person at my last dog show I was able to attend in January of this new year, so I wanted to make sure and let a few more folks know, and or pass the word,that between the new protruding belly with its added weight bearing on my back and legs, extreme fatigue and the aches & pains, pains caused in traveling, etc. and my own personal preparations for the upcoming baby that will be arriving, I have found it too much for me to attend anymore dog shows at this time. BUT, I will be back as soon as I can with baby in tow.

"I will miss our time together inside and outside of the ring", I treasure the dog showing environment and everyone’s friendships. Everyone’s concern over me in my pregnancy and excitement they are sharing and expressing in my pregnancy has been so awesome; I truly truly treasure my friendships.

If all goes as planned the goal is to be back out in June, Sean may be back out a bit sooner if possible, but I want to make sure I wish “EVERYONE GOOD LUCK IN THE SHOW RING”, and please keep me posted as I will be going insane wanting to know how everyone is doing inside and outside of the show ring. Please keep me in the loop.

See you all soon . . .

Tammy & Sean
And baby Autumn Marie Smith (Soon to be arriving)

01-14-09 – Our Tour at Huntsville Memorial Hospital (Huntsville, TX)

01-14-09 – Our Tour at Huntsville Memorial Hospital (Huntsville, TX)

Last night we attended our first scheduled touring hospital appointment towards the delivery of our baby. It was a packed house in the conference room, seemed like lots of college students as the hospital is located in a college town. We got lots of questions answered, I had a lot of course, we got to speak to one of the hospital Epidural Anesthesiologist asking and having lots of questions answered and watched a video on receiving epidurals.

Then after the questions and answers session we were taken on tour of the Maternity portion of the hospital and the rooms, including the Nursery.

WOW, times sure have changed since I had my first child 22 yrs. ago. Back when I had my son, you had to request a specific style of room. Rooms were broken down back then into Private, Semi-Private and then the birthing room. I chose the birthing room with natural delivery with my son never leaving my side.

NOT NOW, now ALL rooms are set up in a birthing room environment, so that was awesome. The hospital has actually adopted the fact that the baby unless having medical issues or Mom has surgery medical issues, NEVER needs to leave the side of Mom, so our baby will be set up in our room with us at ALL TIMES unless baby or me has problems. When we toured the Nursery of course NO babies in there as they do not put babies in there unless necessary BUT are set up to take care of babies with medical struggles. We are also allowed to request that the baby is even kept with me in recovery if a C-section is necessary, if I intend to breast feed as they want baby breast feeding with willing moms within the first few minutes of life. SO COOL!

I wanted to request we got the birthing room, my baby never leaving our sight and how I intended to breast feed, now I don’t have to say any of that, it is already set up that way.

Another interesting thing we were told . . .was that because babies stay with Mom/family at ALL times, no staff member that is not wearing a pink badge is allowed to remove your baby from the room or Maternity floor. Baby will also wear an alarm ankle bracelet that alerts the staff if the baby is in the wrong section of the hospital. Parents will be showed where baby can actual travel on the Maternity ward/ a path, without setting off any alarms. Also the monitor on the baby’s ankle alerts nurses if something goes wrong with the baby’s vitals. Parents and or family are NOT allowed to carry baby out of the room in their arms, baby will of course be in the glass cribs in the room with Parents and family once baby is able to come out from under the heating lamp set up in each birthing room, baby has to be wheeled out in the crib if exiting the room to avoid accidental injury by the person carrying the baby accidentally tripping, etc. Each room is also set up with a flat screen TV and a monitor that allows the Maternity Ward Front Desk Staff see the baby/room inside at all times.

It is mandatory that Mom remains in the hospital for at no less then 24 hrs. after a natural delivery, longer of course after a C-section, etc.

Mothers going into labor should NEVER enter the Emergency Room where germs might be present, so they advised us on how to bypass the Emergency room and go to a special window set up for Mom’s in labor, to check in, which is SO COOL! No sitting time in a damn ER room.

We look forward to having the baby in this hospital, it was very clear, the staff was very welcoming and had lots of smiles and never hesitated to answer our questions, gave us numbers to the top Maternity nurses for any complaints, etc.

We got pre-registered and signed all the preliminary paperwork for consenting to an Epidural if we choose to use that option, etc. I am personally thinking about an pain control IV Drip they mentioned that was like drinking two large Margarita’s, ha ha ha ha.

01-14-09 - A Walk through the babies room

Today I worked on organizing the room a bit. So here is a photo walk through of what I have managed to put together so far. We have had such generous hand me downs, we are getting so much baby stuff for a small room, ha ha ha ha ha, guess next we will be filling up the livingroom full of baby stuff.

01-14-09 Ultrasound Photos

This is all I have to share . . . these photos show the brain and her sex between her legs, NOPE no pickle showing in these photos.

01-14-09 Glucose Test results

Glucose call came in from the doctor's office, I do not have gestational diabetes, however, he said he wanted me to cut back on my sugar intake because I was close to the limit.



01-13-09 It's A Girl Mum

Here is a Mum that was given to us from a lady that passed down some girl clothes. She said they hung it on the door in the hospital with all her babies information. So we have plans to use it do the same and then it will hang in Autumn’s room. We have to add her name to it, etc. once the baby is born.

01-13-09 Glucose & Ultrasound Appt. today

We had another appt. today with my OBGYN . . .appt. consisted of the Glucose test for gestational diabetes and my third Ultrasound. Normal testing done when hitting your Third Trimester.

Had to be up at the lab early for the 9am Glucose testing . . .YEAHHH

I made it through the Glucose test, nothing like drinking a 10oz. bottle of pure sugar flavored punch at 930am, being instructed to slam it down fast and then let it sit on the tummy for one hour before they pull the blood sample, YUMMY FUN breakfast. It gave me horrible heartburn. Hopefully test results will come back as me being normal to process the sugars and not having gestational diabetes. Say prayers and keep fingers crossed.

Then after we finished with the Glucose we had to then drive over to the OBGYN office, where they checked all my vitals, all was well, I went from 132lbs. to 138lbs. since my last appt. YEAHH HAWW, growing plump. Then we went in for the US.

Unfortunately we could not get a good head shot of the baby so I could have a facial memento for my baby book. The baby is already in position with the head way down in my pelvis area, Way down, but the Dr. did not seem too worried or did not speak much of it, at the head depth of position within my pelvis at this point other than to say he had hoped the baby didn’t drop down too much more. Now I know why the heck I can barely walk, have so much pain in my pelvis, why I can’t hold my urine for no more then 45 mins. And why I am waddling so bad, got the head in between my legs already. At least that explains to me where all the babies body parts are and what position so I know what is poking/Kicking where.

Baby is taking up ALL space, ha ha ha, and doctor said the heart was great with the four chambers present, heart rate at 149.68bpm. Baby has the three vessel/blood in the Cord and all the measurements he took puts the baby at a weight 2lb. 10oz. WOW, already almost three pounds, YEAHHH . . . we still have a ways to go yet.

I got tons of US photos but nothing worth sharing as all they show is the body measurement he was taking, since at this stage the baby is big enough to be taking up all the space within my tummy and you can’t get all of the baby on one view. We were bummed totally no profile or head shot, but the main thing is hearing baby is healthy, growing well and all is well and looking good.

SEX CONFIRMED “IT’S A GIRL”, so her name is Autumn Marie Smith . . . . .we are so excited we are confirmed for a second time to be having a baby girl. Now we can go ahead and buy those PINK clothes. Daddy Sean is SUPER excited . . .

01-11-2009 Tammy's 28 wks gestation photos

WOW getting BIG BABY

01-09-09 Baby Swing Hand me Down

Another WONDERFUL hand me down was given to us . . . we are doing so good on getting lucky on getting hand me downs.

01-07-09 Time Out Rocking Chair

Our latest hand me down and information I found online about it . .

This rocker comes complete with actual an timer you can set for up to 15 minutes

This beautifully hand-painted wooden rocking chair features a working timer that can be set for up to 15 minutes. He won’t need to ask “is it over yet?” because he can watch as the minutes tick down.

•It has a special message: "Time out to think about the things you do, but always remember; I love you!"
•Special understamp beneath the seat that the customer can personalize with the child’s name, the name of the gift-giver and the special occasion when the chair is received
•Photo greeting card included so the child can say "THANK YOU" in a memorable way

Hungry Hungry Mommy 01-07-09

I am finding I just cannot stop eating or get full, Arrrggg . . . I am also having sweet attacks, wanting something sweet at least once or twice a day, Arrrggg . . .plus, now it seems like I eat, get full and 30mins. later I am right back and starving . . . ha ha ha ha

Also, starving each time I have to pee pee in the middle of the night, which is a LOT, I do my best to ignore it and go back to bed, I don't want to eat and suffer with any heartburn or indigestion issues in the middle of the night anymore then I already do. But I sure hit that kitchen the minute I am up in the AM hours, he he he he . . . Breakfast consist of more then one breakfast course between 730am to 11am, then we roll right over into lunch with several meals/snacks, etc. until dinner, ARRRGGG

01-06-2009 Finally Gaining Prego weight

Well at the last doctor’s appt. on Dec. 16th, I weighed in at 132 lbs., when I stepped on my home scale today, I weigh 136lbs. WOW packing on the weight now, will have to see what the Doc's scale says on Jan. 13th at my next doctor’s appt. I will also take new Prego photos as well. So finally gaining weight.